What Do You Want for Yourself, Scarcity or Abundance?
Funny question, I admit. Everybody wants for himself a mindset and a life of abundance. But then: why are so many people ruled by fear to miss something, by lack of confidence and self determination. The answer hides in the next question:

What Do Other People Want for You?
You bet there are plenty of people who would like to see you full of fear and negative expectations. Why? A mind dominated by fear and expectation of scarcity can be manipulated easily.
Example: Somebody comes along offering you a share of the Brooklyn Bridge. Today, but only today you get the part ownership certificate only for 50 Dollars. It will allow you to pass the bridge for lifetime! If not, there will soon be a time where you have to pay 50 bucks per day to pass. (Do not laugh! Many „Get Rich Quick“ offers work exactly that way)
Some people dominated by fear might think: „Maybe I need the certificate tomorrow and buy it. This way they can be sure that they can still cross the river. Result: Money gone, no longer available for things really needed, and another useless object collecting dust on your hard disk, or occupying space in your living room. The irony: tomorrow comes something else along, something you really need. you had searched for it for weeks. But now no money available. It went yesterday to buy that brand new dust collector. Anyway, this is proof that you cannot expect that you can get things when you really need them. Proof of a world ruled by scarcity. Yes, life is so hard!
Many people know, consciously or intuitively, that it is easy to rule a person dominated by fear. So they spread stress and fear in their surrounding, making sure that as many people in their reach are focused on what they do not have. If they want you to behave in a certain way, they you offer a small incentive – and yep: Get it while you can take it! Forget this little string attached. You end up with something you may need maybe at some future time, but you paid a steep price for it, in terms of money, health, relationship or whatever. The next day you need money, energy or support from others, but there is barely anything left. Yes, life is hard!

What to Do About It
It sounds simple: you have to rule your own mind, make conscious decisions of what you want and need. Then go for it, and you will get most of it. This experience will help to grow your confidence and it will tell your mind again and again, that the world – or God – provides to you enough of everything you need. You will learn to focus on the good things you have and use. Life is so sweet, a song full of energy. People volunteer to help you because they enjoy to be with you. Even some money will be available when needed, because you do not throw it away for all those dust collectors.

Mindset of abundance means to live a live governed by an attitude of gratitude and confidence. It does not mean to pretend that you are rich or have unlimited resources. Happiness is an obligation. This does not mean you should lie to yourself about your circumstance, happiness needs truth. But if you allow confidence to govern your mind and develop a habit of deliberate decision making, your resources will also grow.

For further reading: {openx:113}

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